Using Your Network to Increase Your Net Worth
Using Your Network to Increase Your Net Worth aims to provide you with the knowledge and skills to build a strong network, be more strategic in your approach to networking, and ultimately build your social capital.
Your Instructor
Dr. Waajida L. Small is the Founder and CEO of Capital Conscious U, a leadership development firm focused on helping women of color and entrepreneurs find and align their purpose with their work and business. Over the past 15 years as a human resources executive, she has helped organizations design and implement strategies to attract, develop, and retain top talent. As a Certified Purpose Leader (CPL), Certified Human Capital Strategist (HCS) and certified professional coach (CPC) with specialties in career, executive, and spiritual coaching. Dr. Small has coached, trained, and taught professionals and entrepreneurs strategies and best practices to position them for success and to live and work in their purpose.
Course Curriculum
StartLesson 1: Networking: What Is It and Why We Should Do It (17:20)
StartLesson 2: Stigma Gone. Networking On!
StartLesson 3: The Social Approach to Networking
StartLesson 4: Being More Strategic in Your Approach to Networking- Taking That Next Step
StartLesson 5: Your Network = Your Net Worth: Building Your Social Capital